Zeus,the god of sky and thunder.... the king of gods... the universal father...(tht's literally true...almost!!!). There are 12 Olympian gods... formed by Zeus and his siblings n their children....(only few of their children were the main gods.... rest were semi-gods or less important or humans!!!!)
Zeus married Hera, the god of marriage.. she is also his sister. though he was married to her... he had many affairs....n was married to Metis. the goddess of prudence b4 Hera. wen Metis was pregnant... Zeus swallowed her because of the prophecy tht he wud be killed by her 2nd child(strikes a chord doesn't it).....but the child in her womb did not die... the child came out full grown frm Zeus' head... this was Athene,the goddess of wisdom. Hera bore him 4 children..Ares..Eris..Hebe and Hephaestus. Hera was Zeus' 3rd wife... his 2nd wife was Themis,goddess of Justice...she bore him daughters called The Fates.
Zeus had other children as well... from his affairs wid other goddesses n HUMANS.
Leto was one of the goddesses who were the consorts of Zeus...Leto by relation is Zeus' aunt(sister of Chronus.. daughter of Uranus).... till now the gods were courtin their sisters but now we see thm courtin their aunts(btw Metis n Themis are also his aunts).... way to go Zeus. Both were parents to twins Apollo n Artemis.
Dione,the mother goddess was the mother of one of the children of Zeus. this child is Aphrodite,the goddess of love.(however there is also another story of the parentage of Aphrodite.. so we cant be too sure of this affair of Zeus... but in many places Aphrodite has addressed Dione as mother so.....)
Hermes,the messenger of gods is the son of Zeus n Maia... Maia is the daughter of Atlas...Atlas is a cousin of Zeus.. tht makes Maia his niece!!!!!! oh my god!!!!! n ppl thin k gods are virtous....
Demeter , Zeus' sister was the mother of Persephone... and her father was Zeus.... bhai -behen ka rishta!!!!!!!!!
The Muses,goddesses of different arts were the daughters of Zeus n Mnemosyne.... who is an aunt of Zeus....
This was the story of affairs of Zeus wid goddess.... now it's time for his affairs wid Humans............
Europa,after whom Europe is named was tricked by Zeus... luckily at this point of time Hera was distracted n so Europa did not face the jealous wrath of Hera. Their sons were Minos 1 n Rhadamanthus....
Io, was another human wid whom Zeus had an affair.Now the interestin part here is tht Io bore him a son Epaphus.... the twelth generation of Io is represented by Heracles(Herucles)... his mother was Alcmene(a mortal) n we all know who
Heracles' father is............
Dionysus,the god of vegetation,fertility and wine was the son of Semele(mortal) and Zeus...Semele is the only mortal to be the parent of a god.
both Io n Semele had to face the wrath of Hera.
This was the love life of the most prolific of the Greek gods. Zeus can also be called the god of flirting n infidelity. so ladies n gentlemen be a flirt n an infidel.... it's godly to be one...... we could call this 'THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL' of the GREEK GODS......wat i was wondering was how did gods address each other.... cos the aunt is also the wife.... the son is also a brother.... confusion.. confusion.. confusion..This is only wat is known about the gods there mite other incidents wich we dont know abt..... there mite be other lovers of gods who have not come to lite... n it is not only Zeus, the other gods walked on the same lines but nobody can beat Zeus......now one can understand why Zeus is the universal father.... all hail Zeus!!!!
this blog post is by no means meant to disrespect the greek mythology..... i respect the greek mythology in the same way i respect indian mythology..... these are jus thots tht crossed my mind..... no offence meant to any of the scholars of the mythology.... but thy will admit wat i have written is true!!!!!!
Bhutan’s Queen
10 years ago
hi miss patel ,
kemcho ... can you write something light .. which i can understand.. to much of history into the blog... write something... about u
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