It is very very very addictive.Whether you are in it or just watching from outside, Quizzing gives you a different kind of high. You do not want the questions to stop.Sometimes the answers come easily and sometimes they don't and when they don't the mind just goes into an overdrive. It starts recalling almost any and every instance when it has read,seen or done something related to the question. It comes up with silly answers at times but in sheer desperation you even blurt it out and then at times the sheer joy of that silly answer being THE answer. The disappointment when you ignore your gut feeling and go with another answer which turns out to be wrong. You abuse yourself no end. The frustration when you know that you have read about the answer somewhere a few days backs but right now can recall nothing of it. The 'surprise' when you forget the answer the moment the question is asked and you say ' I swear I knew the answer till before this. ' The dumbness of overlooking certain obvious things while thinking of the answer and then you go " Shit!!! I completely forgot about this."
I do not happen to be a good quizzer , rather I do not think I am a quizzer at all, I suck at it but I love Quizzes and Quizzing. It is AWESOME!!!!!
For years I used to watch my classmates/ batchmates representing my school in inter-school quizzes and I would answer most of it and feel nice. Then slowly I started wishing I could go to a quiz but I never ever even got to go for the Maggi Quiz's intra-school leg. Just watched 4-5 teams from the school battle it out to make it to the inter-school leg. I do not know about now but back then there was a thinking that people good in studies are good at quizzing and I was not good in studies. Sitting in the audience I could answer everything that my school representative could and a few more as well. When my school went to BQC I was so happy, school in BQC and all and I wished so badly that someday even I get to represent my school in BQC. I guess that was one of the ultimate things at that time for any school student who liked quizzing.
I did end up representing my school at school fests and I have my President to thank for it. From previous occasions she knew that I did not do too badly while sitting in the audience so when in Class 10 the seniors asked our batch to go for a fest since they could not ,she told me to participate in the quiz. I was thrilled, a friend and me went for the quiz. We did okayish types but I was happy and from there on I went for school fests quizzes for 2 years. In Class 11, one of the regular quizzer from my batch went to another school and another took up science and hence she would not go for fests and stuff. This gave me my chance and I danced full-on on the chance. I had a few awesome juniors to team up with me along with a friend.My juniors were way better than I was and were always ready irrespective of their Class 10. I just had to convince the principal to let them go and it was easy cos they were good students . It was so much fun. At every fest for every event the participants were always the same. So you always knew who exactly the opponents are going to be. The one school that I was always wary of was South Point, they had a deadly and an awesome team. You could not beat them. South point and my school were the most consistent teams. They always came first and we always came third. The second was filled in by different schools at different fests.
Then College started and baj gaye quzzing ke baraah!!!! The place was and still is teeming with amazingly good quizzers. People who you did not see at school fests cause they were busy doing bigger and better stuff. College fest scene in Calcutta sucks. Kab kaunsa fest hota hain only a few people know, at times you find out after a fest is done and over with it.Hence the lack of quizzing resulted in a rusted brain which got a breather now and then.
This so called rusted brain is now un-rusting due to Quizzers Inc. , a Facebook group. It is so much fun. I know answers for 1 out of 10 questions but it is still fun. Seeing people trying to rack their brains in order to get that answer. People who do not know the answer and have no idea about the answer waiting for someone to give the correct answer so that they finally what the answer is. The awesomeness of the knowledge that people have, it does not matter if you do not know the answer to any of the questions, just opening the page and going through the questions and their answers makes me happy. There are so many " I didn't know that" moments!!!! Moments when you feel " I swear I knew the answer till before this" , when you say " I read something about this 2-3 days ago, cant recall anything right now" and you feel like squeezing your brain to get to that answer. I have no clue who started this group but whoever did - THANK YOU!!!!!
And now BQC is back again, it is again time to wake up to BQC on Sunday mornings again. It is shorter and hence not that much fun but it is BQC and it is lovely to watch it and rack your brains every Sunday.
- To Quzzing forever.