I have never really liked this nursery rhyme.Why the hell would anyone ask Rain to go,'Little Johnny' can play in the Rain as well.It seems as if someone out there has been praying hard to the Rain to go away cos it is hardly raining this monsoon.Monsoon is almost drawing to a close but Calcutta has hardly experienced it this time.I love the Rains and I have been wishing all this while for a downpour..a downpour which I n Calcutta have always been witness to.But the Rains arent keen on obliging me this time and hence there is a shower here n there wich doesnt even last for 15 mins.
I havent got wet this time the way I always do.Havent really gone jumping down the house and college stairs to get wet.The only times I got wet was when i was either in the college field watching football or on my way from one place to d other.
Every time there is a cloud cover a hope builds up,that hope most of the times has reamined a hope.sometimes it rains little n sometimes it doesnt rain at all.
In a way it doesnt surprise me that it didnt rain properly and in a way it does.As i was coming back home today staring out of the cab window while it was raining outside I realised that I have hardly watched the Rain from a window.I have seen the Rain from The Ledge but tht doesnt make up for the Window.The Rains are incomplete without The Window.And also without a Cup of Coffee.All that i keep wishing is That it rain rains before the Monsoons are off.It is a different thing tht here it can rain even in winter!!!!!!!!
I had thought that this season i will finally go for The Rain Walk tht i have always wanted go for but it wasnt to be so.Where was the Rain to for Walk in???And I seriously doubt that whether I would have for the Walk even if it had rained like always.And i seriously doubt if I ever will.
Something is Better than Nothing.And so a little Rain is better than NO Rain.
And i wish that my wish to let myself go and let the Rain jus drench me is fulfilled soon.Havent felt the Raindrops kiss me,havnet felt God kissed,havnet smelled the Wet Earth.Where is the Rain I Love?????