I was sitting at my computer table and suddenly there was a gust of wind....it felt sooo good... after the heat all these days...... the cool wind was jus it!!!! the sky had darkened and everything seemed so pleasant.... n i knew it... it's going to rain today.....it definitely will and it did!!!! i never realised wen it started raining....i was still at my computer when i looked out and saw the rain drops against the street lights..... i jumped out of joy and ran to my verandah...... hoping tht the drizzle turns into a proper downpour.......
drizzle did turn into proper rain but it still wasnt heavy enough to get wet..... but i cudnt resist it.... n pittering patterin i went down the staircase into the open n aaaaaahhhhhhh..... it felt as if i was .... as if i was gettin wet !!! wat else!!!!!hehe.........i felt so refreshed.... so light..... though it wasnt the gettin wet kinds rain.... it sure felt awesum to stand under sky n let the rain drench me....... i just surrendered myself......i opened my arms and let the rain take me.... i looked up at the sky .... i cud see the night sky but i cud feel the drops of rain on my face.... i closed my eyes..one drop..two drops.. three drops... 4 drops...... thousands of drops......closed my eyes n jus felt the raindrops kiss me....it felt as if i had been kissed by GOD!!! about 5 mins into this bliss the rain slowed down....oh!!! crap.... it rains after days and tht too not properly!!!!! i waited down there.. hoping it wud pour heavily.... i hugged myself n stood in the drizzle feeling soooooooooodamn good!!!!
it was only for 5 mins.. but thy were fuckingly amazin 5 mins....
while i was standing all drenched n waiting for the rain to speeden up....i was reminded of this "place by the window" in my friend's room..... oh!! shit.... it's like d perfect place to be in wen it's raining.....sittin there with the wind blowing... the rain pourin.. a book in hand and coffee by the side!!!! woaaaaaaaaaah!!!! nuthin bttr i wud say!!!! i can say tht cos i did once sit there n there was an awesum wind blowin tht time......peeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrfect!!!
i have spent so many downpours sittin on d small sofa by the window in my living room with a book n a mug of coffee or by simply jus watching the rain......enjoyin the smell of the wet earth..... tht's like the sweetest smell......wen it's jus abt to rain.....or wen it has started rainin somewhere nearby.... there's this whiff in the air... the wet earth.....
there is something in the air jus before it is about to rain....... the clouds cover the sky.....the wind blows.....n there is somethign in the air tht time wich i cannot describe......it has such a calming effect on everything........everything seems so serene... so beautiful....it takes everything away.....wat is left is jus me n the rain.......
it is such a mesmerising sight to watch the raindrops create ripples in the pond....lake...river....one drop of water shaking thousands of water drops......one water drop losing itself.....uniting with the greater one......
all i want to do is let myself go........ keep walking n walking ....and then sit out there somewhere in the open by a stream n lose myself.......................................................................................