How nice it feels to just get into the bed, pull a cover over oneself and snuggle into the world of sleep!!! the world of dreams n sometimes nightmares too!!!!! who the hell would feel like wakin up??? not me!!!! i cud be lost in tht world forever but this bad world does not allow us to do so. Why doesnt this world have pity on us n let us slip into sleep atleast for a longer time if not forever... actually it's good tht we dont sleep forever... cos otherwise whu will have d food!!!!
After a tiring day the word tht sounds like bliss is 'SLEEP'..(after food obviously). When d exams get over d first thing tht strikes me is tht now i dont have to be awake at night(not tht i used be awake durin exams till late.. one 'o' clock is more thn enuff and thn 'SLEEP' calls me n i readily go. Another thing is after exams SLEEP kind of sleeps herself n so however much i want to i dont feel tht sleepy... irony!!! sheer irony!!!
Drifting into dreams, drifting into a world where anything is possible.A world where we find a purpose to our life. A world which hides us frm the reality for a few hours.A world which shows us our inner most thoughts.But sometimes this world can be real scary especially if we find ourselves suddnely in frnt of all monsters.
SLEEP is one of the nice things GOD has given us. THNK U GOD!!!
But i hate it wen i m in deep slumber n it's d time to wake up!!! nothing more irritating thn an unfulfilled sleep and thn d whole day is spent feelin sleepy.arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
Sleep in winter is one of the forms of bliss!!!snuggling n cuddling into d warm blanket... ahhhhhhhh........n waiting up in winters is a torture.... not one single part of me wants to leave d warmth of d blanket!!!the times wen i am absolutely lost in sleep n suddenly i wake up.. it takes atlast a few seconds to register wat exactly happened n where i am!!!!! n it is horrible wen in d middle of the night my sleep is broken n i cant sleep anymore or wen i keepin wakin up every half hour one hour durin night!!!!! n sleepless night is d worst case scenario!!!!
Another reason why sleep is bliss is tht wenever i think a class is borin.. i jus put my head down n go off to sleep... n wen d teacher asks i say " i am not feelin well" and in class 11 &12 the teachers never asked so we cud jolly well go off to sleep!!!
God only knws wat i've written so far cos my frnd SLEEP is callin me n my attention is divided...all d crap wriiten is to be credited to 'SLEEP' n not me!!! i don blv in takin other ppl credits!!!!!
And how can i forget the golden words the mention of wich makes us wanna sleep: